Monday, 30 March 2020

God Himself Shall Be With Them (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday (Evening) Preaching: Mar 29 2020

Contrast Genesis (the Book of Beginnings) with Revelation (the Endings); Some of God's Promises of Blessings in the Book of Revelation; Some the No Mores in the New Heaven and New Earth.... All So Much to Look Forward to For Those Who Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ!

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Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

WHO? Not Why (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday (Morning) Preaching: Mar 29 2020

Short List of Good Results from This Present Pandemic, and a Proper Understanding of Psalm 91:11-12: How Satan Misquoted and Misapplied It; and, So, Appreciation of How That We Choose Our Way and--When We Choose God--God Chooses Our Path. Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6

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Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Danny Castle - HELL! The Everlasting Home Of The LOST! (1980s) (RARE SERMON)

Romans 10:9-10 King James Version (KJV)

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

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This video is mirrored from the Hensley YouTube channel which you can visit at

Job's Redeemer - Pastor Charles Lawson - Wednesday Preaching March 25 2020

Job's Redeemer Is Our Redeemer and The One Who Bought Back Our Inheritance Which Adam Lost. Job's Daysman Is Our Mediator; He Who Pleads with God on Job's Behalf Is Our Advocate. And Jesus Is the Surety of a Better Testament. Job Understood Man's Relationship with God, and He Came to Know Even Better.

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

Monday, 23 March 2020

The Rock of Ages - Full Service - Pastor Charles Lawson - Sunday (Evening) Preaching: Mar 22 2020

Our God and Our Savior Is From Everlasting, The Rock of Ages. Verses Throughout the Bible That Speak of God's and Jesus' Eternity and Compassion Toward Us.

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

The Time That Purifies and Reveals (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday (Morning) Preaching: Mar 22 2020

It Is a Time of Darkness We Are Facing Nowadays. Also, a Time of Faith--Tried or Purified; of Revival; of a Closer Walk with Our Lord. It Is a Time for Every Saint of God to Shine Forth His Light Unto the World; and, in 1 Corinthians 15: 1-3, the Passage of Scripture Encapsulates the Gospel of Jesus Christ Upon Which We Believe Unto Salvation. Scripture: Romans 8:36-39

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Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Faith in God - Pastor Charles Lawson (Full service no congregation present) Wednesday March 18 2020

We Can Depend Upon the Character of God: God Can Do Nothing But Right. And at the Appointed Time, Every Human Who Ever Lived Will Face The Almighty God as The Righteous Judge. Would That These Perilous Times Will Compel Young People--All People--to Soberly Consider Life Beyond the Next Party.

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at,--no-congregation-present)-31820-WN_XS_mdaXWjVg_360p:c

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

Monday, 16 March 2020

Time of Need - Time of War (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday (Morning) Preaching: Mar 15 2020

As Samuel Offered the Sacrificial Lamb, We Appeal Through Christ, Our Sacrificial Lamb When We Cry to God in Our Times of Distress and Need. There is Power in the Blood of Christ. Examine Yourself and Testify to Others. God Would Use This Panic to Wake People Up. Repent and Come to Him.  Scripture: 1 Samuel 7:7-9 

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

Thwarting Satan's Machinations (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday School: Mar 15 2020

Talking About the COVID-19. Two Historic Examples How God Intervened and Overruled the Wicked One: Haman and Hitler's Programs Against the Jews. Scripture: Esther 3:1

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at's-machinations---Charles-Lawson-(Sunday-school)-3_15_20-SM:f

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Lamb of God - Pastor Charles Lawson - Wednesday Preaching March 11th 2020

People go to Hell for Rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ. He Reproves the World of Its Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment. The Lamb of God Earned the Right to Judge all Mankind. He is the Son of God. How Simple the Way and Means of Salvation Is.

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at,-full-service-unavailable)-31120-WN_k67m2bI_CBM_360p:9

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

Monday, 9 March 2020

Practical Preaching (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday (Morning) Preaching: Mar 8 2020

Paul's First Prison Epistle, Ephesians, Presented High Spiritual Truths, Whereas Philippians is Down to Earth--Where he's At. Paul Urges his Fellow Christians to be of the Mind of Christ: the Mind of a Servant and Humble. Scripture: Ephesians 1:1-11 

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

The Image of the Beast (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday School Preaching: Mar 8 2020

Biblical references Regarding Worshiping the Image. Satan, Using His Own Devices, has been Trying to Destroy Mankind (Made in the Image of God) Since Genesis 3:15. Agents to this Purpose may Include Fallen Angels and Crispr Cas IX.

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

Thursday, 5 March 2020

The Holy Spirit The Spirit of Truth - Pastor Charles Lawson - Wednesday Preaching March 4 2020

How It Is That the Holy Spirit Guides You to All Truth, Shows You Things to Come, and Glorifies the Son of God. He Is Also Called the Spirit of Holiness, the Spirit of Light, Spirit of the Glory of God.... Many More, and Mention, Too, of the Eternal Purpose of God. In Summary, the Godhead Produces Everything We Need. Again, the Wisdom of God Is Seeing Things As He Sees Them.

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at,-Spirit-of-Truth----Charles-Lawson_GrPQmgKZrCc_360p:f

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

Monday, 2 March 2020

Earthly to Glorified Bodies (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday School: Mar 1 2020

We'll Have no Part of the Earthly Body we Start With After it Dies, so how will the Saints of God be Changed? Also Talk of Plagues, Strange Sounds and Many Demon Possessed People. Scripture: I Corinthians 15:47

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

A Cry From Darkness (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday (Morning) Preaching: March 1st 2020

David Cried From a Dark Place Where He was not Feeling the Hand of God. Here as in Other Passages of Scripture, God Must Douse Other Lights or Bide his Time Until the Strayed Lamb Can See God's Light. Scripture: Psalm 88:1-7 

PLEASE NOTE: If this video is removed from YouTube which is very possible in today's unstable climate, then I have backed it up on my ODYSEE CHANNEL so you can watch it here at

Watch all of Pastor Charles Lawson's sermons on his website directly at

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Temple Baptist Church

The Good News of the Gospel

The Good News of the Gospel. John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he ca...