At Mt. Sinai, God Gave Moses Both the Written and the Oral Law; Yet, Most Jews Are Unfamiliar With the 53rd Chapter of Isaiah And That It is Found in Their Tenakh. When Jesus' Teaching Incited Aggression in Those of the Jewish Religion, He Switched to Parables So That Those Which Would Hear, Could Understand and Believe. Scripture: Isaiah 53:1-4
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (KJB) King James Bible
Thursday, 25 March 2021
The Forbidden Chapter (Pastor Charles Lawson) Wednesday (Night) Preaching: Mar 24 2021
Friday, 19 March 2021
The uncanny connection of the Apocalypse and Passover. - What is God's purpose in the Plagues?
Most followers of Yeshua have come to know the amazing prophecies of Passover fulfilled in our Messiah's first coming, but did you know that the Passover also speaks of the return of our Messiah and the trials of the End Times? Discover these amazing connections that speak of the future redemption to come most of all discover the purpose of God in the Plagues.
Thursday, 18 March 2021
Jews Long For Their Messiah (Pastor Charles Lawson) Wednesday (Night) Preaching: Mar 17 2021
God Instructed His People to Keep His Word Before Them with Phylacteries and Tefillin and Tzitzit, and Religiously, They Did. But Mostly, Their Preconceptions Darkened Their Understanding of Jesus: His Person, His Mission, His Sacrifice; and Lead Them Going After False, Self-Proclaimed Messiahs: Bar Kakhba, For Just One Example. Scripture: Matthew 16:13-16
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
The Elements of Sin (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday School: Mar 7 2021
God and the Devil Compete for Our Souls. God Will Give Each of Us an Opportunity to Know Him. If You Know Him, You'll Love Him and Grow. Satan Uses Tactics to Keep Us Alienated From God. Scripture: Genesis 3:1-8
Presumption (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday (Morning) Preaching: Mar 7 2021
Satan Tempted the Lord Jesus to Act Presumptuously Outside of the Father's Will. The Same Sort of Temptation is Common Among Us Still But Any Action We Undertake in Our Own Power--Even For the Furtherance of the Gospel--God Will Not Bless. Several Examples From Scripture. Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Monday, 8 March 2021
Death Is In This World (Pastor Charles Lawson) Sunday (Night) Preaching: Mar 7 2021
The First Physical [Human] Death Was a Murder, Fratricide No Less. Quick Survey of Other Notable Deaths in Scripture and Then Deaths of Both Notorious and Heroic Contemporaries and of Dear, Personal Acquaintances, Too. Challenge to Each and Every One of Us to Have an Encounter with God and to PRAY to Finish Your Course. Scripture: Genesis 4:8
Saturday, 6 March 2021
PART 2: Medical Tyranny in Israel. - Important - [Mirror]
Breaking news from Israel regarding what is happening to its citizens being forced into compliance with the covid agenda and how what is happening in Israel will soon be happening to the rest of the world.
Friday, 5 March 2021
The Book of James (Pastor Charles Lawson) Wednesday (Night) Preaching: Mar 3 2021
Addressed to "the Twelve Tribes Scattered Abroad," But Filled With Practical Words For Every Believer of Every Age. Spotlight on the End of the Book Which Speaks to Fellowship and Effective Prayer. Suggested Prayer for America, or At Least for This Church (and Other True Churches). Scripture: James 1:1
Medical Tyranny in Israel. Coming to the World. - Important - [Mirror]
Breaking news direct from Israel about the covid situation and how what is happening within Israel to its citizens is about to happen also the world.
Monday, 1 March 2021
The Person, the Ministry, and the Church of Christ - Charles Lawson - Sunday School Feb 28th 2021
Knowledge of God is Shown to Everybody as Paul Says in 10:14 With a Free Quotation of Psalm 19. Gospels Teach Us the Life and Credentials of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul Preaches the Doctrine of the Cross (What It Means). Mention of the Spirit of Antichrist as Well as the Antichrist, the Man of Sin.
The Good News of the Gospel
The Good News of the Gospel is so simple, so here it is. Please note: That you can read the Good News for yourself in the Holy Bible by c...
I posted my own personal testimony of being born again in Jesus Christ, and I was asked a great question by a visitor to this blog and the ...
The Good News of the Gospel is so simple, so here it is. Please note: That you can read the Good News for yourself in the Holy Bible by c...
Yielded her fruit every month so it's giving fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. PLEASE NO...